The sweet third grade class poured into my portable after lunch today. They were still excited from recess and chatting about their holidays and plans and games. After they settled down, and each took a seat, we started our day.
The mood meter was on the board, and I heard about trips to California, games with brothers in the snow, and how it was hard to roll out of bed this morning. I like starting class this way, as in a soft start, because I get to know my students a little better and understand what their world looks like outside of my door.
Time was limited and the learning levels in the class varied. Students who were one or two years below grade level sat in the same room as problem solvers who were testing well above average. How do I meet everyone's needs, engage learners and push my students all at the same time??
Today, my solution was leveled questioning and opening up models with builds. The questions were a little difficult- but with partners, open whiteboards, and two teachers as scaffolds, structures were in place to support the on level kiddos.
I watched as my on level students made connections between repeated addition problems and multiplication. Students drew labeled diagrams and discussed representing math in meaningful ways. The room was a buzz and the students were focused.
Some days in teaching you walk away thinking, "Man, that lesson didn't go as I wanted it to..." and other days you win at teaching. Differentiation and flexible thinking gave me a check in the win category today. Thank you building thinking classrooms.
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